Thursday, December 26, 2013

2014 Publishing Goals

Here are a dozen journals I'd like to crack this coming year, with various levels of difficulty:

1. 3am. I've been trying to get in there for years. Not sure why I haven't.
2. North Dakota Quarterly. Very good and very hard.
3. Pithead Chapel. Online journal I've been trying to crack for a few months.
4. Permafrost. Solid online journal.
5. Southern Poetry Review. Good luck to me.
6. Idaho Review. These are getting increasingly more difficult...
7. Louisville Review. Been trying to crack this for a while.
8. North American Review. Yeah, I know.
9. Poet Lore. I did a reading at the Writers Center in Bethesda...that should count for something, right?
10. Off the Coast. Nice journal in Maine.
11. Cutbank. Been trying to crack this for years.
12. The Pinch. Been trying to crack this forever.

Of course, for me to get work into these journals, I'll have to write some short fiction and poetry, which I haven't in a while.

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