Arkansas, Finding a Picture of My Mother, Kentucky Tavern, and November were published in April 15 with an interview in Adagio Verse Quarterly.
3 Fragments was published in April in The Album.
Portrait of My Mother as a House was published in February in The Aurora Review.
Waiting for Test Results, Barnes Hospital, St. Louis and Driving Around, Looking in Other People's Windows were reprinted in May in Big Toe Review.
The Cry of the Catfish and Feeding the Fish were published in March in The Blue Collar Review.
Anthem was selected as a winner of the Working People's Poetry Contest by The Blue Collar Review.
The Old Ways was published in September in Bottom Dog Press's Anthology of Family Poems: Family Matters: Poems of Our Families.
Everyone Knows This Already was publisehd in March in Cake Train.
Anthem was reprinted in April in the Cedar Hill Press Anthology: Roque Dalton Redux.
3 Fragments was reprinted and Window Shopping and Knock were published in May by Children, Churches and Daddies.
See Nothing was published in February in Copper Nickel.
Snow, Bleachers, and Saw a Girl With were published in February in The Dead Mule.
Oh My Darling, Darling, Doe-Eyed, Dental Hygienist was published in August in Defenestration.
Something Dies in Your Eyes was published in February in Diner.
The Baby was published in November in Elimae.
Time was published in September in Eratio.
Frog was published in December in The Eye.
'Growing Pains' in Syndication was published in May in 42 Opus.
'Growing Pains' in Syndication was reviewed in Rhubard is Susan.
Fence Building was published in October in Flint Hills Review.
Moving, Must See and The Movies were published with comments in January in Frigg.
When I Was 15 was reprinted in February in Grasslimb.
Flowers was published in September in Inkpot.
Blend In was published in March in Ithuriel's Spear.
Walking Through My Father's Fields, Home was reprinted in July in Kaleidoscope.
Videos was published in December in Ken Again.
It was published in April in The King's English and nominated for a Pushcar Prize.
Punch lines was published in July in The King's English.
Billy Talks About the Kids was reprinted and Dreams was published in March in Lily.
Remember, Summer and The Woods were published in December in A Little Poetry, where I was the featured poet.
Take Time was published in March in Maegera.
Aspirations and We Forgave were published in August in Margie.
Dying for Fear of Death was published in June in Mastodon Dentist.
Dig, Take Time and Wind were reprinted in Maverick.
What to Do in Case of Locked Door was published in October in The Means.
Paul was published on February 14 by Opium Magazine.
Blend In was reprinted (& I was the featured poet) in September at Outsider Ink.
Dig was published in December along with a recording by Pebble Lake Review.
Noise was published April 15 (Issue 8) by Perigee.
Family Come to Visit was published in January by Poesia.
This House was published in July by Poesia.
Farmer's Tan was reprinted June 1 by Poetry Southeast.
While I Lay Quietly was published in Poor Mojo's Almanac.
Tornado in the Garden was published in November in The Potomac Review.
The Man on the Bus and Bullheaded were published in October in Remark.
Linus Considers Mortality, 2, December, and Instructions for the Magic Acorn You Found Last Tuesday (as a power point presentation) were published in August in Right Hand Pointing.
3 and Open were published in December in Right Hand Pointing.
The Squirrels of Absinthe was published in December by Snow Monkey.
Shit Cricket was published by SNReview.
The Pelican, Tides and Wilma in the Deli were published in September in Southern Hum.
Bush Hogging was featured online March 6, and published in August in Texas Poetry Journal.
February was published in August in Thieves Jargon.
Pause and 4 Short Poems About Sex were published March 1 at Toasted Cheese.
January was published November 20 at Zafusy.
Pathetic Fallacy was published in August by Zygote in My Coffee.
12 Slightly Less Well Known Labors of Hercules was published in September in Cautionary Tale.
Randy Describes Eternity To My Little Brother was published in August in Opium.
The Cow Graveyard was published in March in Natural Bridge.
Smoke Break was published on April 22, by The Pedestal Magazine.
Frankenfrog was published in August by Verbsap.
Finite was published in October by the Arkansas Literary Forum.
Forrest City was published by The Cimarron Review.
The New Apartment was published in early February by Hobart.